História da Psicologia
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Psicologia Experimental: Instrumentos e Aparelhos |
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Textos integrais disponíveis on-line |
History of Psychology Timeline Marcos Emanoel Pereira. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Brasil.
Os principais eventos da história da psicologia são representados na linha do tempo de 600AC aos dias de hoje. Para tais eventos, quando disponíveis, são indicados links que os qualificam e/ou explicam.
Psicologia Experimental: Instrumentos e Aparelhos
Museum of Psychological Instruments David Pantaloney. University of Toronto (ON).
Coleção de instrumentos utilizados em psicologia experimental no final do século XIX.
Nas palavras de David Pantaloney, um pouco de história:
"In 1891, James Mark Baldwin founded the psychology laboratory at the University of Toronto, the first of its kind in the British Commonwealth. University College provided Baldwin with a modest budget to purchase instruments, books and furniture for the new laboratory. In 1897, Baldwin’s successor, August Kirschmann, expanded the laboratory to 16 rooms. Kirschmann, who had come from Wundt’s laboratory in Germany, added several instruments to the laboratory, founded a publication series and established a thriving research program.
"The Baldwin-Kirschmann instruments, which make up a majority of our collection at U of T, represent the earliest period in experimental psychology, best known as the 'New Psychology', or 'Brass Instrument Psychology'. Brass instruments played a major role in defining the image of the 'New Psychology." They showed, writes historian Michael Sokal, just what was new about the 'New Psychology'. Psychologists were intent on modeling their new discipline on the natural sciences; psychological instruments and laboratory practice served to legitimize this movement, thereby separating psychology from its traditional parent, philosophy.
"In the past 30 years historians of science have begun to recognize the value of scientific instruments. By studying instruments, historians are able to better understand the actual practice of science, as well as the theoretical concerns. In the case of the present collection, a serious study of psychological instruments provides insight into the technical origins of experimental psychology."
History of Psychology Archives D. J. Costanzo. Muskingum College (OH).
Biografias sucintas de alguns dos mais destacados psicólogos e links para sites que abordam a história da psicologia.
Links para sites com textos on-line
Human-nature.com Robert Young. University of Sheffield (UK).
Grande variedade de textos em Ciências Humanas e Biológicas. Textos e listas de discussões sobre história, filosofia, estudos sociais, Darwinismo, psicologia evolutiva, sociobiologia, psicologia cognitiva, neuropsicologia etc. Cabe ressaltar que nesse site, vários livros estão disponíveis on-line em sua versão integral.
Alguns tópicos são encontrados nesse site:
"-- FEATURES & ONLINE JOURNALS --" "Darwin and Darwinism" "Against All Reason" "Online Dictionary Of Mental Health" "Burying Freud" "The Seduction Theory" "Science as Culture" "Free Associations" "Human Relations, Authority and Justice"
"-- BOOK CHAPTERS --" "Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge" "The Evolution of Human Sex Differences" "How the Mind Works"
"-- ONLINE BOOKS --" "On the Origin of Species" "The Expression of the Emotions" "The Voyage of the Beagle" "The Descent of Man" "T.H.Huxley Autobiography" "Discourse on the Method" "The Varieties of Religious Experience" "Proposed Roads to Freedom" "The Warfare of Science with Theology" "Psychoanalytic Aesthetics" "Unfree Associations" "Mind, Brain and Adaptation" "Darwin's Metaphor" "Mental Space" "The Culture of British Psychoanalysis" "Whatever Happened to Human Nature?" "Group Relations" "Lost for Words" "The Story of a Mental Hospital" |
Classics in the History of Psychology Editada por Christopher D. Green. York University. Toronto (ON).
Coleção on-line de dezenas de textos historicamente relevantes para a compreensão do desenvolvimento da Psicologia. Mais de 100 links para outros sites. Os textos cobrem a Antiguidade, o Pensamento Medieval e Renascentista, a Filosofia Moderna e a Psicologia nos séculos XIX e XX.
Nas palavras do seu editor:
"Classics in the History of Psychology is an effort to make the full texts of a large number of historically significant public domain documents from the scholarly literature of psychology and allied disciplines available on the World Wide Web. There are now over 20 books and over 100 articles and chapters on-line. The site also contains links to over 170 relevant works posted at other sites."
Pre-History of Cognitive Science Carl Stahmer. University of California. Santa Barbara (CA).
Bibliografia acerca dos modelos de cognição humana. O site cobre obras elaboradas no séculos XVII, XVIII e XIX.
"...an annoted bibliography of models of human cognition from the Seventeenth through Nineteenth centuries. The bibliography is compiled and maintained by Carl Stahmer, at the University of California, Santa Barbara, as part of a larger dissertation project. The list of authors represented and forthcoming is the result of ongoing research into early models of cognition, with a particular emphasis on those thinkers who sought to understand the relationship between the material world, our physical bodies, and abstract thought. Philosophies of mind that do not contain some reflection on or disscusion of the materiality of thought are not represented. "
A seguir encontram-se links para os textos do autor Carl Stahmer nos quais ele comenta e analisa as obras de Robert Burton, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke e George Berkeley:
Ano |
Obra |
Autor |
1621 |
The Anatomy of Melancholy |
1651 |
Leviathan |
1690 |
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding |
1709 |
Essay Towards A New Theory of Vision |
1710 |
Treatise Concerning the Principals of Human Knowledge |
1713 |
Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous |
Os links abaixo referem-se aos sites que disponibilizam, parcial ou integralmente, textos originais.
Hobbes, Thomas. (1650). Leviathan. (Secular Web). [The most important work of the 17th-century's most influential British philosopher. Argues that human thought and feeling is nothing but "calculation," 300 years before the invention of the computer.]. Obra completa.
Locke, John. (1689). An essay concerning human understanding . (ILT Classics, Columbia U., NY). [Perhaps the founding document of British empiricism.]. Obra completa.
Berkeley, George. (1710). A treatise concerning the principles of human knowledge (sec. 1-81). (The Value of Knowledge). [British empiricism at perhaps its most pure.]. Disponível on-line as primeiras 20 páginas da obra.
Cattell, James McKeen (1888). The psychological laboratory at Leipsic. Mind, 13, 37-51.
Baldwin, James Mark (1892). The psychological laboratory in the University of Toronto. Science, 19 (no. 475), 143-144.
Münsterberg, Hugo (1899). Psychology and history. Psychological Review, 6, 1-31.
Abbott, Albert H. (1900). Experimental psychology and the laboratory in Toronto. University of Toronto Monthly, 1, 85-98, 106-112.
Introduction to Abbott (1900) by Christopher D. Green.
Buchner, Edward Franklin (1903). A quarter century of psychology in America: 1878-1903. American Journal of Psychology, 14, 666-680.
Baldwin, James Mark (1913). History of psychology: A sketch and an interpretation.
Griffith, Coleman R. (1921). Some neglected aspects of a history of psychology. Psychological Monographs, 30, 17-29.
Titchener, E. B. (1921). Brentano and Wundt: Empirical and experimental psychology. American Journal of Psychology, 32, 108-120.
Griffith, Coleman R. (1922). Contributions to the history of psychology -- 1916-1921. Psychological Bulletin, 19, 411-428.
Boring, Edwin G. (1929). The psychology of controversy. Psychological Review, 36, 97-121.
Garvey, C. R. (1929). List of American psychology laboratories. Psychological Bulletin, 26, 652-660.
Baldwin, James Mark (1930). Autobiography of James Mark Baldwin. In C. Murchison (Ed.), History of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 1, pp. 1-30). Worcester, MA: Clark University Press.
Calkins, Mary Whiton (1930). Autobiography of Mary Whiton Calkins. In C. Murchison (Ed.), History of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 1, pp. 31-62). Worcester, MA: Clark University Press.
Janet, Pierre (1930). Autobiography of Pierre Janet. In C. Murchison (Ed.), History of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 1, pp. 123-133). Worcester, MA: Clark University Press. [The great French psychiatrist's own summary of his life's work.]
Morgan, C. Lloyd (1930). Autobiography of C. Lloyd Morgan. In C. Murchison (Ed.), History of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 2, pp. 237-264). Worcester, MA: Clark University Press.
Terman, Lewis M. (1930). Autobiography of Lewis M. Terman. In C. Murchison (Ed.), History of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 2, pp. 297-331). Worcester, MA: Clark University Press.
Washburn, Margaret Floy (1930). Autobiography of Margaret Floy Washburn. In C. Murchison (Ed.), History of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 2, pp. 333-358). Worcester, MA: Clark University Press.
Woodworth, Robert S. (1930). Autobiography of Robert S. Woodworth. In C. Murchison (Ed.), History of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 2, pp. 359-380). Worcester, MA: Clark University Press.
Yerkes, Robert M. (1930). Autobiography of Robert M. Yerkes. In C. Murchison (Ed.), History of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 2, pp. 381-407). Worcester, MA: Clark University Press.
Fernberger, Samuel W. (1932). The American Psychological Association: A historical summary, 1892-1930. Psychological Bulletin, 29, 1-89.
Jastrow, Joseph (1935). Has psychology failed? American Scholar, 4, 261-269.